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Benefit for Amanda Walker Davis
Saturday, November 4, 2023
12:00pm - 4:00pm


Amanda was diagnosed with HER2+ stage 2 breast cancer on 5/23/23, this is a very aggressive cancer. Fortunately, the cancer has not spread to other parts of her body and with your prayers and support, we are optimistic that Amanda's cancer will be cured. Her treatment plan includes 2 chemotherapy drugs delivered via a direct vein port every 3 weeks for a total of 6 rounds, surgery, radiation and a full year of HP infusions. This was a devastating diagnosis for Amanda as she has always been healthy and absolutely loves having someone in her chair all the time. Since her diagnosis, she has had to put her health first and is not able to start back doing what she loves so much; making us all beautiful! We want to bridge that gap for her and show Amanda, Chad, and their precious family that we stand with them in this fight! Please consider donating any amount you can to help with travel expenses, medical bills, or whatever their needs may be through these difficult times. If you are unable to make a monetary donation, please keep Amanda, Chad, Addi, Tori, and Alan in your prayers each day.

amanda walker davis

Amanda Walker Davis

"When I say I have the BEST clients that turned into a friends!! they’ve just gone above and beyond anything I ever expected. Chemo is TERRIBLE, CANCER SUCKS, but y’all are making my heart happy! Lindsey Wilkes Carrie Spain!! Along with everything Chandra Pate is putting together and always being there when I need her. And Jeannie McNeely Bostick constantly sharing the go fund me page she put together and her kind words and constantly checking on me! Yall will never know how much y’all’s support and love mean to me!"

Photo: Amanda Walker Davis via Facebook


The MylesStone Venue is more than just a venue, it's a place where we come together as a community to support each other through challenging times. Our hearts go out to Amanda Davis, a member of our community who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. As a 1998 graduate of West Carroll High School, Amanda has touched many lives in our community. All proceeds from our events will go to Amanda and her family to help with medical bills and traveling for treatments. We hope you'll join us in making a difference in her life.

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